A celtic poem

I Recently was thinking about the first time, I felt it: Being connected with a sensation I would call “my inner celt”. The following sentences may sound like a poem, but there is no other way for me to explain it better. I found my inner celt in a truly celtic environment. I found it in Ireland.

A celtic symbol - the snake.

The first time I visited the isle
I was travelling around
and I felt attracted by the beauty of the nature, the salty air, the green fields, the cliffs and beaches and the very blue sky
I liked the wildness
and I was surprised by the temperament of the irish celts, their passion, their kindness, their open laugh, their loudness, their love for the music and poems
It felt, as if I was coming home
and something started to vibrate deep inside my body

The second time I visited the isle
I lived there for a few months
and I fell in love and lost myself in a deep connection
I started to trust

And even though I haven’t returned to the isle for years
my inner celt is always with me

I feel it
whenever I find another piece of myself, I haven’t known yet
whenever I discover new talents or new qualities of my personality 
whenever I find the courage, to try out something new or different 
whenever I walk through nature and a sudden strong wind plays with my hair
whenever I feel crazy, do insane and childish things and laugh out loud
whenever I get angry and shout one minute, and calm down and be peaceful the other
whenever I trust in love and all the possibility, life offers us 
whenever I trust my heart and all the feelings, that come to me

When was your key moment? How did you find your inner sources? Or haven’t you yet? If so, let us find out together.

Yours Kelten Rauch, Janine




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